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Huge School Assembly moves
Jumping bicycle over a teacher!
Amazed students
Big stunts in front of amazed studen
Signing autographs with the kids
Craig spends time after each show, signing autographs and talking to the kids. Photos and stickers are always free.
Amazed crowds at Festival
Crowds at the "Midwest Outdoor Experience" in Dayton, OH.
High jump with bicycle
Volunteer's help Craig with the "upside-down limbo" where the ribbon keeps on getting higher.
Incredible festival entertainment
It's hard to see in the picture, but Craig is doing a big gap to a 2" wide pipe that is in between the two parallel beams, all the way at the end. It takes a lot of precision, and a lot of power to make this happen.
Our bike stunt show looks incredible
Here's the whole set put together with the new trailer.
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